When I was the CEO of a group of companies in the UK, I had motivational quotes and positive affirmations around me everywhere…at work and at home. I used them to inspire myself and my colleagues.
I loved the sound of strong inspiring statements and melted when I heard ideals coming from change-makers, that had the power to improve someone’s strength and conviction to act. The lyrics to “Imagine” by John Lennon still make me tremble today.
It was not until a few years later, that I came across the work of Dr Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and discovered the truth about the POWER OF THOUGHTS…they literally create our future and thus the importance of them is so underestimated in mainstream life…it certainly had been by me at that time. I remember reading his books with great conviction and even carried his book on the TAO all the way to Cyprus from Vancouver!
Having understood that my thoughts, even if hidden inside me, were creating my reality was in itself a massive wake up call. Knowing that every time I had told myself that I was lazy, not good enough, insensitive, selfish, too bossy etc etc, I was literally creating a reality where someone somewhere would show up in my life to PROVE THESE THOUGHTS…yep that is how it worked, I thought them and someone in the outside world showed up to prove their validity…ouch! That hurts.
Having understood that my thoughts, even if not spoken, had immense power, my next task, logically became to find a way to change them.
AFFIRMATIONS appears to be a logical mind based way to reframe thoughts that are not appropriate. However if you DO NOT BELIEVE the affirmed statement, its power is very much diluted.
It is almost like a pretense, because if you know you are lying to yourself, no amount of affirmed statement is going to change your reality. It certainly did not for me, since the original thoughts were beliefs logged and stored in the cells of my body!
So I ventured to find something that would literally change the words inside my head, inside out, without any deliberate attempt having to happen as a secondary step, to alter what was being said by my mind irrevocably for the better!
This is where the Dalian Method came in! With the use of this technique each thought began to evaporate if it was negative and not serving me, and instead from inside, the awareness would take precedence.
For example, I am afraid to get hurt, would change to Life is beautiful, or I am afraid to be rejected, would change to I am enough unto myself, or “I hate being alone and misunderstood” to “I can never be separate from anyone”, and so on and so on.
The new thoughts were more creative, empowering and life affirming because they came with awareness that was rooted in the earth. These type of thoughts have tremendous power to create unconditional love, peace, stillness and joy.
I am taking care to share how all the elements of evolution being discussed in modern times, can be achieved with one simple technique- the Self Healing Dalian Method, that can now be practiced at home, in privacy and at your own pace. All the power is back in your hands with this tool.
I invite people to give it a go. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Sending you a big encouraging hug.