
We often feel that an outside event determines our happiness, and become enslaved by the world outside of us. We seek the idea of falling in love.

We are hypnotized to find someone who can fulfill our version of the Cinderella story.

Love songs, poetry, imagery, all feed into the collective hypnosis that love is to be found with someone. We also find ways to keep ourselves entertained, taking holidays, dining, drinking,  and organize events to fill that deep gap inside of us, that yearning to be filled with external love.

The soul is on a quest to feel fulfilled and nourished by love. Unfortunately most of us do not know how to maintain unconditional love and thus maintain this nourishment.  We fall into judgments, comparisons, arguments, insecurities and possessiveness driven by our ego.

In my explorations I have seen that what makes us truly “happy” is not driven by the love we receive from outside!  Real happiness comes more from the love that is spilling out of us, an overflowing that expands and wants to be shared. Our generosity opens all the doors we seek.

The question therefore is ‘How do we become this type of love?” The type of love that remains completely unconditional in its offerings, disregarding any outside occurrence.  It simply is. It is as if we just become love, an embodiment of our deepest potential.

During the last eight years I have discovered that this love naturally evolves as we become aware of our mind made ego driven conclusions and both dis-identify from them and transform them into light. The love we seek is actually inside and there is no lack.

Dream Master:

We control our dream and we can make life choices that help us to break free of an old dream and make a new dream unfold. We are always in charge of this aspect, although inadvertently we can become identified with the idea of being helpless, as random events arise and we feel we are forced to endure. This is not truth.

Our “in-chargeness” comes from a simple decision to become an explorer. An explorer who is willing to try to find out what makes our own life, and how it is the consequence of previous conclusions and hidden beliefs stored in our body and unconscious.

These mind made beliefs are running as invisible programs, and affecting every part of our personality and interactions in the world.

We have to be willing to stalk our own reactions…to get out of the illusion we have created. Once we are able to perceive things as they really are, and have found the ability to avoid interpretations, and simply see everything “as it is”, new treasures open up.

Observation with neutrality, without charged judgment and emotion allows for the real essence of love and compassion to flourish.

This essence opens doors to another reality that resides within us- which is not dependent on the outside world. This reality knows it is love and feels no separation. With the opening of this reality the quality of our mind alters in response.

This is not about perfection and about becoming perfect! It is simply about becoming aware. Becoming aware of our judgments, conclusions, pre conceived ideas, and rigid responses driven by moral rules that have become imprinted within.

It is about accepting where they have arisen from, and with understanding, not be mechanically driven by our ego in our responses.

Emotional Poison:

What someone else says is always their own “emotional poison”, and once we have become aware of that we don’t react. This is the most beautiful gift we can give ourselves in life. Our own “reaction” is the key challenge that we have to overcome in any of our day-to-day interactions.

If we can simply witness, but not make an associated mind conclusion, we stay in our heart and in our nature of love. Our response thus becomes unconditionally accepting of outside occurrences. This is not the same as having to be tolerant of outside circumstances that sabotage the quality of our life.

We see those for what they are too and can create boundaries to stop their negative influence. We become capable of telling people to move on when we know that our own heart is open, and thus we do not tolerate anything less than what we are offering.


Awareness that the ego is an illusion is central to a peaceful happy love filled life. We have all been given free will- and consciousness is our free will. Free will is not an ego response, which is how most people choose to interpret their rights to make their choices.

If our choices are driven by our ego, we are still enslaved by our own mind, and there is nothing free in such a way of living.

An ego response is automatic, mechanical and simply a reaction, and thus each time the ego responds it comes without a choice. This is the most important understanding that we can offer ourselves, and where most of us can easily get stuck.

With awareness we recover real “free will”- consciousness. This is the only way we get to have control over our own life. With heightened consciousness we remain in our center, and thus free…ie we have embraced our free will to stay in truth, our nature of love and just witness what is with compassion and understanding.

When we need to create boundaries we do, we expose the ego in others if necessary and do not take on projections and fears that belong to others. We refuse to be manipulated and always stay in our integrity.

Expanding our consciousness and stepping away from our ego-based conclusions is an extremely self-loving experience we can encounter, and a significant contribution we can make to assist our world to become more peaceful.


We come with a mission: which is to make ourselves happy, and this involves us seeing life as it is.

We often hear that we are here to live our calling, but in a real sense the only calling we have is to find our way to our own happiness. In that discovery, often we might share what we have learnt, not because we are here to “save or rescue” anyone else, but more because it gives us joy to do so.

If our desire is to save or rescue, we are still in a place of need, and thus missing our real freedom.

We are forever being guided to take risks, and move on in our lives, but each time without judgment of what we see. This is the key, to accept all as it is. With an absence of a charged emotion that accompanies what we see, we are set free to be happy and achieve our mission.

We share from the love we feel for ourselves, and the old dream dissolves.

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