Find Kindi at the following speaking engagements in the recent and upcoming months. Previous engagements from 2017 are now archived





 Mental Health Conference- Paris-10 and 11 July 2018


Kindi is a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and has been a board director of the Vancouver and BC Chapter since 2016, and has acted as their Past President.

Kindi has a natural ability to articulate difficult concepts in a friendly and easy to follow way. She revels in inspiring change and transformation through her empowering words. Her desire is to help facilitate life-changing openings within you.

Her audiences are always excited at the new insights shared on the fundamentals of applying change to their life and thus enjoy greater wellbeing and work life balance. Stress management comes with ease, and self empowerment that follows leads to the embodiment of revolutionary thought leadership in companies. Using the extraordinary learnings from the Dalian Method, audiences are delighted at the fresh new opportunities that open up for them. Inclusivity and diversity issues are resolved in follow up workshops, as is conflict resolution and facilitation of better team dynamics.

Kindi knows she is leading the way with change that will delight many generations to come, and is at the forefront of principles required for the millennial age. Today we talk of new mindsets required for a complex world, catalytic, equity based, collaborative, adaptive, and developmental in nature. Imagine a practical solution that facilitates all of this- the Dalian Method!  Kindi is available to speak to organizations, leadership conferences, associations and events that are designed to empower people in the workplace.

If you wish to book Kindi for a speaking engagement, please contact her here.
View her media kit here. View her previous media appearances and talks here