Prejudices and Perceptions


Our prejudices have to be seen, if they are to be healed and transformed. And since we cannot see ourselves very clearly at all, we have to see, through what we see outside of ourselves in the world.

But perceptions of the outside world are driven by our conclusions, limiting beliefs and epigenetic imprints – it is not totally obvious to us what those are, nor why we see what we do. These conditionings, beliefs and imprints are like invisible programs, dictating our behaviour, decisions, interactions and emotional state. They are very powerful in human dynamics. They are like software subtly influencing our prejudice and perception, and thus how happy we are too.


 World View and New Insights


Take this attached photograph of my kids – I see orbs across each of the middle of their bodies, as they braved the wind at Mrs MacQuarie’s Point in Sydney – circular orbs protecting them. I feel I perceive something, and yet I don’t know if the orbs were in fact benevolent or not. My mind does not know for sure, but my gut says they were protective orbs.

Some years ago, perhaps 10 years or so, I would have thought that what I see on the photo, are dirty marks on the lens of the camera, and nothing especially particular at all. My world view had not yet incorporated other phenomena – you would say I was more closed and had not yet experienced first hand the world of “energy” and orbs.


 The Mirror

This is how it is with human dynamics too. You might feel triggered by someone’s anger at you, not realizing that it is alerting you to your own unhealed anger at yourself. How would you know? Not unless some self discovery has happened. My son recently pointed out to me how my reaction was the exact same reaction I had seen in my daughter, which I had not liked. His kindness in pointing it out to me, helped. Someone helping like this broadens ones awareness, if you can agree with what is being pointed out to you.

You might see someone else’ disrespect towards you, not yet seeing your own disrespect of yourself. It is always wise to turn things around. Perhaps you should not be tolerating something that others have got used to doing to you, because you have allowed it.

You might see someone elses’ drama at you, or judgments of absurdness, not yet seeing your own similar mind perspectives. The world acts like a big mirror to show you, ALWAYS your own face.


 Our Separation



All my goodness and lovingness disappears when I am harsh.

And there seems to be two factors that bother me the most when harshness automatically erupts like a volcano.

1. When I am afraid – usually “afraid to be fully alone” and thus I feel the need to protect/justify/validate my ego position with another (playing a ping pong game back and forth) or
2. When I am perceiving myself as a “nobody” by the actions of another, and want to be seen as a somebody.

And this is the incredible thing – both these scenarios block the love that is inside me from flowing unconditionally.

Both scenarios show insecurity. Both scenarios separate.

 The Healing – Compassion And Expansion


According to Dr Jill Bolte Taylor – compassion, expansion, unity are all experienced through the right hemisphere of the brain. Her TED talk, I have watched numerous times, and I accidentally landed on it again today, so I refreshed my memory of it. She takes you on a vivid journey of her stroke experience – well worth investing 20 minutes on it.

I had read, “A stroke of Insight” by Dr Jill Bolte Taylor, her book, before I came across the wonderful practical teachings of Mada Eliza Dalian in 2008 too.

Happily, I am able to share that it seems, for me, the mystical work that Mada facilitates, is a practical way of having experiences of the right hemisphere of the brain, so that the prejudices and perceptions of the left hemisphere are given some context and thus become less overpowering.

The dominating power of the left side of the brain has slowly diminished for me with each Dalian Method session that I have experienced – which has proved to be the golden key to come out of inappropriate perceptions. This is how to come out of projections too. This is also how to understand the ‘mirror’ effect too – so that those around you, assist you in becoming more self contained and complete within.

Of course, if your journey requires you to move from the right hemisphere to the left side, I have seen friends making that movement with the Dalian method too – – this is where logic and reason needs to come into existence to help them to manifest and balance out their right hemisphere tendencies of unity and compassion overriding their desire for action.

All in all, we are taking every prejudice or perception as an opportunity to see if a broader outlook can be incorporated too. A broader perspective filled with greater self awareness that helps to enhance life.

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