New Mandates
Right now, BC and its’ inhabitants are in a “fast forward” opportunity to grow compassion. I sincerely hope this opportunity is not wasted, as our hearts are a lot wiser than our “small minded” ways.
We can either judge, divide and separate from one another with our harsh assessments and ideas of being “right”, or rise up to see what is possible, if we focus on our humanity.
Blame and shame are ugly ego qualities that can never bring about good – they simply add to polarity. If you find yourself blaming, pointing fingers, being very heavily opinionated, know that you could be stopping and self-reflecting too – and seeing how, with different behaviours, attitudes and actions, mutual understanding for those choosing another way, could grow.
Mandatory “shots”, when their absolute potential benefit to us is undisclosed and only relative numbers are disclosed, can be about control, not necessarily about saving our lives and health. This is especially true when harm is arising with them in many, and when that happens, that information is being hidden from us.
Coercion is not “informed consent” – a basic violation of all codes of health conduct, is happening, when voluntary consent is not arising. This is especially true for those with medical conditions that prevent them from getting the “shot” in the first place or those that have been told to not take the second dose, due to previous adverse reactions, as the second one could endanger their lives – imagine the fear that they are experiencing right now, if their bodies do not cope?
Freedom to choose what goes into our bodies, is our innate right. Lies and manipulations are running deep, although they are tough to see. We must grow our awareness, to be able to wake up, to see beyond the propaganda that we are being sold.
It is time to co-operate and harmonize and it is absolutely essential we stay in our hearts, as we move forward, so that we do not find ourselves in the worst world “clash” ever …..