Did You Know We Set Intentions As Babies?!


My intentions as ascertained from astrological readings are as follows:

1. Curiosity,
2. Know what is going on (as in the big picture of life), and
3. Communicate (unique insights, in an unconventional manner, a new viewpoint)

These intentions really resonate very strongly inside even though I was so scared to even speak up in a classroom as a kid- I thought I was shy. Intentions two and three had not begun to truly manifest until my forties, they were still percolating inside for those four decades. Curiosity to learn was my original emphasis, and I broke down all barriers that were in my way to attain that much. It makes sense why I wanted to learn so much.

You see we all know in some way what is going to really make us happy, but as soon as we are in the body, we forget our original intentions and get distracted by the teachings at home, school and in society. If we have lost sight of our original intentions, we need to reconnect with them again, which can be made simpler, if we know how. It is like reuniting with our own freedom to be.


Look to See What Makes You Come Alive!


So, if you have lost sight of your original intention, you need to reconnect with yourself and get to know yourself a bit more. The best sign is to reflect on anything that really makes you feel expanded and good. You can also have astrological readings to assist you. as well as explore with “Find Answers to Your Questions with the Dalian Method”

When in business, working as a Chief Executive, I would share meaningful humanitarian principles and be delighted by them. Showcasing these ideas would totally motivate me. I came alive when I heard words shared through me that had strength and confidence behind them that seemed bigger than myself.

So what is true for you?

I come totally alive when I am communicating something that others can benefit from.

So is there something that makes YOU come totally alive? Is there something that really makes your heart sing? If you know you get in touch with this experience from time to time, then somewhere that is guiding you to be more of that.


Childhood Whispers


As a young 8/9 year old I had a sense that I would be an educator, moving from school to school, teaching and talking about freedom one day. I even knew that I would open up a school. The only thing was that at that age, my cognitive ability didn’t even truly understand freedom at all. The nice thing however is that I did have a sense about my intention- so how did I know that so young?

You see, we always know a lot more, than we can fully understand with our cognitive minds.

Our soul is constantly giving us pointers to pay attention to. These are of course subtle messages that come like whispers within. Our mind preoccupies the space between our ears with so much chatter, that often this chatter drowns out the important parts. Our logical mind cannot assist us with this.

I know when I didn’t get my chance to teach in my younger life, I thought this childhood aspiration had gone……. but it had not! It was just waiting for the right timing for it to manifest. You see everything has its own moment of fruition.


Everything Has Its Own Timing

So to trust life is essential 

Having lived past my 50th year, I have accumulated many more experiences than those that I had at 8 so it makes sense that I had to wait to fully manifest my intentions until now. Inevitably I have accumulated new insights since that young age.

Although this is not an exhaustive list, I have summarized some of the areas of my life that I have a better understanding of, and thus a better relationship with:

  • I know more about conflict- how and why it arises and what has to happen to dissolve it. This has been especially true in my marriage and with other family relationships.
  • I have learnt about money, its link with society and false ego power, how the mind creates value from this currency, how money doesn’t buy you freedom and happiness, how the more afraid we are, the greater our tendency to accumulate to protect ourselves from the unknown arises.
  • I have learnt about conscious parenting, how to keep self esteem and self love in tact and not be impacted by generational outdated imprints, what real responsibility means and it’s interconnectedness with our unconsciousness. Raising self motivated children without carrying any of them, and empowering them to trust their instincts is essential for independence to unfold. Parenting that involves control has to be relinquished for unconditional love and trust in their journeys.
  • I have explored our ego mind, its’ control and its’ relationship with our ability to trust ourselves, its’ affect in creating stress and how easily it disturbs our mental wellbeing. I have seen the connection between the ego mind and emotions and seen how the triggers can be transformed and dissolved.
  • I have learnt about grief, illness, death, past lives and more, to see how our deepest insecurities surface and how they can be dissolved.  I have seen why we have to face karmic lessons, and how to break the loop of reaction in such scenarios.

During the last 11 years I have had insights on how we lost our enthusiasm and joy for life, how we stopped being grateful, and how we lost our freedom.

So you see, you too have accumulated insights from your specific journey. We are all learning whether we know it or not.

Contemplation and Silence


It is important for all of us to reflect on our individual journey! Introspection help us to observe the specific nuances that are unique to the path we have walked. Some of us learn through healing from a life threatening experience. Others of us learn how to deal with nature or animal protection. Others learn how to deal with sexual trauma or other physical traumas. Each of us expand as we learn and live. But for all of us, although unique in the path we travel, we sometimes meet a crossroad where we are confused about the next step.

During those times when we can get stuck, looking for new answers, a guide is tremendously important. This is where we come in! We point the finger to where we explored, so that you can explore there too.

I am grateful to my guide, Mada Eliza Dalian, for through her pointers, I have understood an element of the big picture of life. The birds eye view certainly helped to relax my mind. I have also seen and experienced what expands us human beings into our “true nature” so that we spontaneously feel more inside without having to seek anything from others! At times my needs were driving people nuts, and I have certainly learnt how to deal with rejection, judgment, alienation, and intimidation. Each experience was helping me to be driven inwards until I could see more of the big picture and how to claim self worth.

Similarly you are being taught new ideas, and making an inventory of them helps with your new manifestations.


Dalian School of Health and Consciousness


The Dalian School for Health and Consciousness has sure equipped myself and my fellow facilitators with sooooooo much experiential understanding and wisdom.  Nothing is taught to the mind alone. All is a unique taste through personal experience.

We can now share our miraculous findings with anyone that is genuinely seeking to come out of their stuckness, whether it is a desire to lift heartache and pain or a quest to grow spiritually, does not matter. The dalian method is a fantastic process for all challenges.

It is with excitement I step into intention 3 of “communication” because I know that as it flowers, more and more will be touched with the miraculous findings that have touched my life.

I truly hope to encourage others to know that there is a way forward and to offer them a direction that will be totally self empowering and individual, but also very new!

Non Duality


The especially different aspect of our sharing is non duality – the non separation of anything in life. Good or bad, nothing is labelled, and nothing is avoided. There is no blame or separation.  No one is seen as a “bad” person. No one needs to be labelled as “the villain”. Each of us grow at differing speeds and each of us have differing roles to play in the big picture of life. We just take on that role to help with the bigger aspiration that life has for all of us. And that big aspiration is about growth in consciousness

You see, each of us, are much more than we imagine and as we choose to expand our consciousness, we simultaneously flower into greater understanding and humility that sets us free from all antics of the mind- especially its tendency to box things into positive and negative, its competitive drive, and its tendency to compare.

So if you are ready to embrace ALL OF YOU,  the light and the darkness within, the teachings at the Dalian School of Health and Consciousness will delight you. There is no sugar coating, just transparency and honesty. And the transformation is so very real and permanent.💕 The transformation that helps you to be all that you intended when you came into this life as a baby…..and all that will take you to your internal and eternal joy.


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